The color of your teeth is not a clear indicator of oral health. When it comes to teeth, people have different shades and tints. In fact, the color of your teeth depends on multiple other factors.
Myth 1: White is the natural healthy tooth color.
Everyone’s teeth are not the same. Variables in enamel thickness, as well as enamel shade, give off different colors other than white, which are perfectly natural.
Myth 2: Yellow teeth are unhealthy. Teeth that are not perfectly white can still be healthy. The teeth are considered unhealthy if their color is attributed to plaque buildup or staining. Having off-white teeth is often healthy.
Myth 3: Braces contribute to yellowing of teeth. Braces, by themselves, do not make teeth yellow. However, the yellowing that is associated with braces is due to bacteria buildup. If you have braces, be sure to brush well in order to prevent bacteria buildup.
Common Causes for the degradation of our natural teeth colour.
Oral Hygiene: One of the more obvious causes of yellowing teeth is a lack of oral hygiene. Without proper care, your teeth become at risk for plaque buildup and staining.
Medication/ Illness: Diet-Changes in the body, whether from medication or illness, may create a change in the coloring of your teeth. Likewise, if your diet is not the healthiest, it may also contribute to yellowing of teeth.
Smoking: One of the largest contributors to yellowing and browning of teeth is smoking. The tar and nicotine in the cigarette stain the enamel of teeth significantly.
Aging: As you get older, it is perfectly normal for teeth to get more discolored. A wear out of the enamel over time reveals the dentin layer and creates a yellow tint.
Genetics: As previously stated, not all teeth are the same. Some people are born with more porous enamel. The more porous the enamel, the more likely it is for teeth to begin yellowing.